The Songwriters

Two Johns & A Nancy came together through the online songwriting challenge FAWM, February Album Writing Month.  Each approaches their writing and playing differently, making for the interesting juxtaposition in their collaborations.  Now meet the songwriters themselves.

Nancy Rost

Nancy Rost has been called “the love child of Tom Lehrer and Tom Waits” ( Her distinctive songs combine a jazz-influenced piano style with lyrics that are quirky, witty and heartfelt, often all at once. This former toy-piano-playing street musician has garnered songwriting awards in multiple genres, including pop/rock, folk, jazz and comedy. Nancy is known internationally for her participation in songwriting marathons and her versatility as a collaborator. Nancy is also known for her adventurous performances: “The laughter in the crowd is contagious, as everyone’s thoughts are mixed in a tart, though refreshing, concoction of high witticisms and ardent applause.” – The Capital Times

John Argentiero

Writing since 2009, John Argentiero focuses on the idea that a good hook can hide anywhere.  In hundreds of songs and dozens of genres, John is always looking to find new ways to express ideas, and new people with whom to express them.

John Crossman

Born in the north country known as Minneapolis, John has always been strongly, one might even say fatally, attracted to music. Singing since before he could speak, though not intelligibly, he continues today as a songwriter and musician of little note. Now, he strings those little notes together to form songs, which he insists on singing in automobiles, bathrooms, friends’ homes, churches, the internets, coffee shops, and the occasional renovated rest stop.